Tag ~quantum computing

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Global Quantum Computing Market Incredible Possibilities and Industry Growth 20182023

DWave sticks with its approach to quantum computing

US intelligence community says quantum computing and AI pose an emerging threat to national security

QC Ware Forge will give developers access to quantum hardware and simulators across vendors

Why Microsoft IBM Google and Boeing are taking a giant leap into quantum computing

Quantum Machines raises 175M for its quantum orchestration platform

IBMs quantumresistant magnetic tape storage is not actually snake oil

Boeing steps up its focus on Disruptive Computing and Networks for aerospace

IBM publishes its quantum roadmap says it will have a 1000qubit machine in 2023

Quantum Machines raises 170M says its working with more than half of all quantum computing companies

Microsofts quantum computing network takes one giant leap at Startup Summit

Horizon Quantum raises 323M for its quantum software development tools

Quantum Computing market is expected to reach USD 284 million by 2026

UKs Riverlane scores 75M to correct quantum errors

Honeywell and Cambridge Quantum form joint venture to build a new fullstack quantum business

TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018 dives deep into artificial intelligence and machine learning

With 30 million in new funding SEEQC thinks chips are key to building useful quantum computing

Atomwises machine learningbased drug discovery service raises 123 million

UKs Oxford Quantum Circuits snaps up 47M for quantumcomputingasaservice

World Fund joins 128M bet that quantum can deliver climate breakthroughs

US patents hit record 333530 granted in 2019 IBM Samsung not the FAANGs lead the pack

US intelligence community says quantum computing and artificial intelligence pose an emerging threat to national security

Dont break up big tech regulate data access says EU antitrust chief

Will the quantum economy change your business

IonQ now supports IBMs Qiskit quantum development kit

PQShield raises 20M for its quantumready futureproof cryptographic security solutions

QuantWare will build you a custom 25qubit quantum processor in 30 days

Microsoft PNNL and UW leap into White Houses 1B initiative for AI and quantum research

Network with CrunchMatch at TC Sessions: Enterprise 2019

DWave offers the first public access to a quantum computer

Tencent backs Singapores Horizon Quantum Computing in 18M round

The race to building a fully functional quantum stack

Honeywell says it will soon launch the worlds most powerful quantum computer

VCs weigh in on Europes future in the critical deep tech market

AWS opens up its Amazon Braket platform as launch pad for quantum computing

Quantum Machines plans to expand quantum orchestration platform with 50M investment

Menlo Micro a startup bringing semiconductor tech to the humble switch is ready for its closeup

Multiverse helped bank quants speed up their work now its targeting LLM leviathans

Google leads 230M convertible note for Boston quantum computing startup QuEra

Microsofts quantum computing platform is now in limited preview

A love for scifi sparked Megan Browns STEM path and led to quantum computing at Microsoft

What China searched for in 2018: World Cup trade war Apple

Why now is the time to get ready for quantum computing

125 million for Inscripta may usher in the next wave of genetic engineering

Rigetti launches the public beta of its Quantum Cloud Services

US Department of Commerce Issues New Export Controls on Metal Additive Manufacturing

Multiverse raises 27M for quantum software targeting LLM leviathans

Silq is a new highlevel programming language for quantum computers

IonQ acquires quantum networking specialist Entangled Networks

UKs Oxford Quantum Circuits snaps up 47M Series A for QaaS